NOTE: Even though a play has previously been produced for contest, this does NOT mean that play is "automatically approved" for entry in the UIL One-Act Play Contest. If the play you are considering does not appear on one of the approved lists which follow, then it must be submitted to the office of the State Drama Director for the play appraisal committee's approval prior to the deadline.
Plays which are by nature dramatic monologues, duet acting scenes, reader’s theatre, musical theatre or which are predominantly narration, choral speaking or lack character interaction may NOT be used in this contest. This includes some versions of titles found on the approved lists where "various dramatizations" are permissible. (i.e. Alice in Wonderland has several musical versions which would not be allowed.)
Publishers: The League strongly encourages directors to select quality literature for competition. There are numerous publishing companies whose catalogues include many of the plays found on the list of approved plays. Directors may also submit original works, plays that are only available as internet downloads or originals with author permission, through the Play Approval process.
It is the responsibility of the Director to check the current approved lists and secure performance rights with the publisher before starting work on a production.
Again, if you are planning to do a play that IS NOT already on one of the approved lists, you will need to