Chapter 5: Issuance of Standard Teaching Certificate
According to the Texas Education Agency, there are specific requirements to becoming a classroom teacher. One of these requirements is an application for issuance of a standard teaching certificate. This certificate makes you eligible to teach in the state of Texas.
- Standard Teaching Certificate: The state requires a certificate to ensure the highest level of educator preparation and practice to achieve student excellence. The Educator Preparation Program's Certification Officer is responsible for recommending candidates to the state; the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) issues the certificate; and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) houses the certificate on the TEA website. A Standard Teaching Certificate is valid for five years after which time it may be renewed.
- You are not automatically certified upon completion of the Educator Preparation Program. You must submit an application for issuance of the Standard Teaching Certificate.
- Supply and Demand for Educators in Texas: The Texas Education Agency has provided this information on the effect of supply and demand forces on the educator workforce in this state.
Steps for Issuance of Certificate
- Step 1: Review Eligibility
- Step 2: Review Certificate Costs
- Step 3: Apply for Certification
- Step 4: View and Print Your Certificate
Teacher Certification Handbook
- Step 1: Review Eligibility
- Step 2: Review Certificate Costs
- Step 3: Apply for Certification
- Step 4: View and Print Your Certificate
- I made a C in Communications.
- I missed a deadline.
- I have general questions.
Office of Educator Preparation
Office of Educator Preparation
Education Building
Room 2016
Office Hours: 8 A.M. - 5 P.M.
Phone: 512.245.7880